We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and following the recommendations of health experts at local, state and federal levels on the best course of action. We are making some changes to how we operate, and will post updates as needed. For general information about COVID-19 (also called Coronavirus), Mainers can call 211Maine or go online to get answers to common questions and speak to trained operators. Information can also be found >> on the Maine CDC site.
Scarborough residents can also visit Project GRACE, the Town of Scarborough, and ScarboroughHelps websites for resources, updated advisories and information. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), otherwise known as the Senior Food Box Program, distributes food boxes to improve the health of seniors with low income. Boxes contain supplemental foods such as nonfat dry milk and/or UHT milk, cheese, cereal, juice, peanut butter, rice, pasta, canned meat, fruits and vegetables. The boxes are available to eligible seniors once a month. Click to open a PDF list of what's in the box.
Volunteers make it work - thank you! Packing the boxes, transporting the boxes, stacking the boxes, and delivering the boxes: many hands make this project work! Plus there are the volunteers who make the calls, copy the forms and mail the forms, and send the reminder cards. For all we are grateful! Landry/French Construction, Scarborough Police VIPS and Explorers, Project GRACE, Wayside Foods, and Scarborough Food Pantry Volunteers.
Thank you, Scarborough Kiwanis -- we are very grateful for the dozens of turkeys provided to make the holidays more festive for our patrons. Proceeds from Kiwanis' annual FIshing Derby held in the Spring fund this effort. The money raised was stretched even further, thanks to help from the school nutrition program which bought the turkeys at a discount. Thank you!
Thank you, Scarborough Kiwanis -- we are very grateful for the dozens of turkeys provided to make the holidays more festive for our patrons. Proceeds from Kiwanis' annual FIshing Derby held in the Spring fund this effort. The money raised was stretched even further, thanks to help from the school nutrition program which bought the turkeys at a discount. This collaboration came about thanks to a conversation sparked at the Food for Thought & Action Forum this past September.
Gardeners from all over town brought us their bounty, from the first tang of chives to the luscious juicy tomatoes, all season long. We're thankful for all the fresh produce shared with our neighbors, more than a 1,000 pounds in all! www.scarboroughcommunitygarden.org
We are pleased to announce new evening hours. On the first and third Wednesdays each month, we will be open from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
The evening hours allow our neighbors who cannot come during the morning hours to access the pantry. Save the Date: Tues. March 28th Please join us on Tuesday, March 28th because the 'need to feed' is on the rise and our neighbors count on our help to put healthy food on the table. There are still unmet needs, opportunities for us to do more. The Scarborough Food Pantry, Project GRACE and friends are convening a working forum because we have a few ideas and want to hear yours, because we are stronger together. More to come soon... we will be sharing an agenda and 'food for thought' in advance of the meeting. All are welcome; please share our invitation. Please contact Project GRACE with any questions.
WOW! Thank you! Our Scarborough neighbors donated more than a 1,000 (!!) boxes of staple foods, including 150 boxes purchased by Project GRACE. The "Hannaford Helps' boxes have an assortment of items, including peanut butter. They cost $10 each: an astounding $10,000 of food was delivered to the pantry this holiday season. Thank you!
We wanted to send out a heartfelt thanks to all the talented gardeners who stop by with fresh and delicious garden veggies, herbs, and more! And for the great recipes, too! Thank you, IDEXX Community Garden, Scarborough Community Garden, The Garden of Eaten, and all the backyard gardeners in town!!