The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), otherwise known as the Senior Food Box Program, distributes food boxes to improve the health of seniors with low income. Boxes contain supplemental foods such as nonfat dry milk and/or UHT milk, cheese, cereal, juice, peanut butter, rice, pasta, canned meat, fruits and vegetables. The boxes are available to eligible seniors once a month. Click to open a PDF list of what's in the box.
Volunteers make it work - thank you! Packing the boxes, transporting the boxes, stacking the boxes, and delivering the boxes: many hands make this project work! Plus there are the volunteers who make the calls, copy the forms and mail the forms, and send the reminder cards. For all we are grateful! Landry/French Construction, Scarborough Police VIPS and Explorers, Project GRACE, Wayside Foods, and Scarborough Food Pantry Volunteers.
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